Thursday, March 28, 2013


By: Brodi Ashton
Published By: Simon & Schuster
Released: Available Now
Details : Paperback from Publisher, 358 Pages


Blurb: Goodreads

Nikki Beckett could only watch as her boyfriend, Jack, sacrificed himself to save her, taking her place in the Tunnels of the Everneath for eternity — a debt that should’ve been hers. She’s living a borrowed life, and she doesn’t know what to do with the guilt. And every night Jack appears in her dreams, lost and confused and wasting away.

Desperate for answers, Nikki turns to Cole, the immortal bad boy who wants to make her his queen — and the one person least likely to help. But his heart has been touched by everything about Nikki, and he agrees to assist her in the only way he can: by taking her to the Everneath himself.

Nikki and Cole descend into the Everneath, only to discover that their journey will be more difficult than they’d anticipated — and more deadly. But Nikki vows to stop at nothing to save Jack — even if it means making an incredible sacrifice of her own.

In this enthralling sequel to Everneath, Brodi Ashton tests the bonds of destiny and explores the lengths we’ll go to for the ones we love.

BOOK REVIEW by Michelle:

I loved Everneath, there is just something about Team Cole. He is the dark, bad boy in more ways than one. As the reader we can’t help being drawn towards this handsome, guitar playing guy. But, as we found in Everneath, there is a lot more to Cole than meets the eye. 

And there was Cole. Fierce and beautiful and seizing all the attention in the room with one sure strum of his guitar. His onstage glory hit me fresh, as if I’d been in a rainstorm for the past few months and the sun had finally come out.

Everbound had my heart being twisted about. We spend our time with Cole , being the do gooder and Max, helping Nikki to rescue her boyfriend Jack, from the Tunnels, from the Everneath. A place these lads know all the tricks to get around, but they need the help of one other, Ashe.

I really enjoyed being in the Everneath, I love the map we get in the front of the book it helped me to work out where the places were in the Everneath. I enjoyed the dangers this trio plus the mysterious Ashe went through. They were all on a quest to follow the tether that linked Nikki to Jack. It was exciting all the challenges that lay ahead.

Cole’s love for Nik at times made me get all muddled about whether I wanted her with Jack or Cole. Brodi really pulls on the heart strings with Cole and his selfless act in helping the one who does not return his love. 

“So he earns your undying love by reading a book under a tree?” Cole says dryly. “Why didn’t I ever try that approach? I like books and trees.” 

Jack gets his airtime in dreams and we get reminded of him with Nikki thinking about all the times she has spent with Jack. I really do love Jack, more so at the end of this book.

Will is a great character, I really like him, although he can’t help Nikki, he is there for her when she needs him on the Surface.

Poor dad is having a bit of trouble coping with Nikki’s disappearing act. I don’t blame him. It would be hard for a parent to watch their child appear to be relapsing into something they did not understand or believe.

Some scenes were rather funny with Cole and his hand waving about.


The hand went limp, as if exasperated, and then gave me an exaggerated thumbs-up signal. 

We find out how Cole became an Everliving. I had always wondered that and it is rather unexpected what he was before he became an Everliving. 

Cole is such a salesman, he has oodles of charm, but, sometimes we see something under that facade of his. 

I really loved what Brodi does to the reader with her Cole and Jack triangle. I loved it even more with where she is taking us for book # 3. The way she ended this book....OMG!!!! WT!!!!

“You’re a better person than this. You’re a better person than you think you are.” I grabbed his hand. “You told me that I had changed you. But it’s not just me. You have a good heart.”

He frowned, a wary look in his eyes. “I don’t have a heart.”

“You do have a heart. Maybe not one that beats, but you have one that defines your soul. And so what if up until now your soul’s been a bit on the darker side? This is your chance to redefine your soul.”

He took his hand away and rolled his guitar pick over his fingers, averting his gaze. “I told you a long time ago, I’m not a hero.”

“Have you ever known someone who got trapped in something like that?” I asked.

“Yeah. Me.” I turned toward him, and felt the movement. “With you. Always trying, but never getting you. I have ninety-nine years of that to look forward to.”

My cheeks grew hot. “You can’t still be trying.”

“I’ll never stop.”

...”Just what do you think I’ll owe you?”

He leaned closer to me. “For saving the love of your life? Everything.”

...”And then you’ll just run away again, and I’ll have to find another way to impress you; and that, Nikki Beckett, is the eternal loop.”

The Greek Mythology coming into play is always interesting. I don't know much about Greek Mythology, I find it a learning lesson for me when I read it in story lines. I love how Brodi uses it and weaves it into her books.

I am rather excited for the next installment because...... well I can't tell you that! 


That just brings a whole new thing to the story line.

Now where are my Up a tree swinging in the breeze .

Good one Brodi!!



  1. OMG-how can you like Cole? Jack all the way, forever and always!

    1. lol!! Well, the end..errr.... grrrrrr...but Brodi she leads me along with Cole and his bad boy ways :) Jack shows it through in the end. Brodi kinda made a decision for me :)




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