Saturday, April 30, 2011


By: Rachel Caine
Published By : New American Library, Penguin
Released : Available Now
Details : Paperback, Volume 2, 217 Pages ( Feast Of Fools)


Book Blurb : Taken From Goodreads

The tenuous good-neighbor policy between the vampires and humans of Morganville is turned on its head with the arrival of bad-to-the-bone Mr. Bishop. What the ancient old-school vampire wants from the town is unthinkably sinister. It's only at a formal ball that Claire realized the elaborately evil trap Bishop has set for the warm-blooded souls of Morganville.


Mr Bishop has arrived with his 2 minions and he is not somebody to talk back to. This is a whole new level of Vampire.

Michael is struggling with his new life and Shane isn’t going to play nice. Claire’s mum and dad are in for a rude shock when things are not what they seem .....and then some.

I’m still trying to figure out Oliver and Amelie, are they friends or foe? Is Oliver playing nice or has he a hidden agenda?

Michael and Eve are getting jiggy with it, leaving Shane and Claire in the ‘jailbait’, category. Definantly no jiggy, but hot smooches are allowed.

Claire does not act, ‘nearly seventeen’, she has taken on a much more maturer role. I now believe she is this gifted, intelligent girl, who is wasting her time with her regular course studies, she has something very special in the brain department. Amelie has steered Claire in the direction best suited to her intelligence, but it is a dangerous, unreliable, deadly direction.

Monica is a true pain in the ass, so well written that you just loathe her character, but at the same time, I love reading what stupid thing she is going to attempt.

What is Jason up to? He is very good at deception. I feel sorry for the boy/man he could have been.

Shane has an admirer of the deadly kind and it’s peeving Claire off to no end. But what is a girl to do .....what is Shane to do?

Claire is almost throwing herself at poor Shane, the restraint he holds, you have to take your hat off to him as a lot of guys would take what is being offered, without hesitation.

Claire and her new sidekick are working desperately to answer the questions that are so badly sought. Things are changing around Claire and she must keep up before it is too late.

I’m really liking, Richard Morell. He seems to be a good guy , a fair guy.

Claire is seeking Amelie out, depending on her for answers a little too much. Claire is holding back a lot from her friends, secrets she must keep or bring down the wrath of her Patron.

Mr Bishop is one creepy daddy. I am sure we will get to read a lot more about him and his scarey minions, Francois and Ysandre.

I am really loving Myrnin’s character, you don’t know quite what to expect at times when reading as he is such an unpredictable character. He is in his own headspace and he beats to his own drum. The moments of clarity aren’t half as much fun as when he is dangerous and looking for a Claire Machappy meal.

I loved the Masquerade Ball, visually it would look wonderful with the costumes , especially Shane’s.hee....hee.

This was an ever changing read, lots happening. Many emotions the characters went through. Living in Morganville is like a pressure cooker situation, you just know something is about to boil over.


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