Monday, October 4, 2010


WOW!! Our FIRST award!!  Marissa and I feel spesh we bow with thanks:D
 Big Fuzzy Wombat thankyous to Straylights at  A Certain Slant Of Light  for thinking of us:D

Here's the rules for the award:

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award

2. Share 7 things about yourself

3. Pass the award on to 10 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic

4. Contact the blogger you've picked and let them know about the award

7  Things About Marissa and Michelle :

1. Marissa and I ( Michelle) only met for the first time last week!!! We met in Melbourne Australia Thursday 30th September until Saturday 2nd October. It was wonderful to meet face to face:D We live on opposite parts of Australia, just join the dots in a straight line. Marissa's cheerleading daughter , Georgia just won the Grand National Cheer Championships in Melbourne Sunday 3rd October...yayayayaay to Georgia's Team - STORM. So very proud of my darling daughter Georgia and all the cheerific athletes at Star-Mites Gym Sports.

2. I ( Michelle)  love 'quotes' from books and movies. I'm rather addicted to quotes. I would love to spend a couple seasons in New York and a year in Canada. I loooove photography.
  I (Marissa) used to race power boats - then came the kids! I played competition 8-ball. I took up gymnastics when I was 15 and to this day I can still to a round-off back hand spring!!

3. Marissa is the Tech Head Fairy, I am the team player although I have learnt alot with our blog.   Things just get fixed on our blog and it's Marissa the Tech Fairy cleaning up my attempts at redecorating blog!! I can now Twitter ( very proud to say..hee...hee)

4. Marissa has 3 children and I have 3 children. ( Uber busy mums ) I have given birth in three different states of Australia. Kinda sounds funny when I say it like that.

5. We both have black dogs and I have also an Albino guinea pig with little red/pink eyes, ( my vampire guinea pig) .

6. My ( Michelle ) favourite movie when feeling in need of a pick me up is ' The Holiday'  ( Cameron Diaz, Jack Black, Kate Winslet, Jude Law). Hubby always knows when that movie goes on....
Marissa's fave movie is ................. I have a couple........ "A Night At The Roxbury", "Old School" and "Van Wilder: Party Liaison".  There are sooooo many more from all different genres but those three just totally crack me up!!!

7. We both buy paperbacks if we can as we like to grip the books we are reading,  especially Carrie Ryan's , ' The Forest Of Hands And Teeth' and ' The Dead Tossed Waves', books. Lordy hold onto  your seats for those reads. Can't wait for ' The Dark and Hollow Places'.

We love the following blogs so we are spreading the love and giving Awards to :

Lisa @ Confessions Of A California Cheer Mom
Elizabeth @
Karen @ Karen Marie Moning
Sara @ Babbling Flow
Katie @ Mundie Moms
Mona Leigh @ Paperback Dolls
Brent @ The Naughty Book Kitties
Angela @ Dark Faerie Tales
Lisa @ Personal Demons
Carrie @ Carrie Ryan


  1. That's awesome that you guys finally met! I bet it was a blast :D

  2. We had a hoot!!! We met up with another friend too:D



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