Thursday, April 21, 2011


I would like to welcome JANA OLIVER author of 'Forsaken The Demon Trappers' , to Novels On The Run and thank her for taking the time to answer some questions and for writing such an exciting, gritty , awesome book with a wonderful character named, Beck.

Jana's 2nd book in 'The Demon Trappers' series , Forbidden will be released August 5th 2011. I highly recommend Forsaken, I absolutely loved it!!

I had a great time chatting with Jana, she is lovely and I look forward to reading more of her work. Currently there will be 3 books in the series.


Michelle : I am curious about the symbol on the front of Demon Trappers: Forsaken. What does it represent? I have my theories as it appears like 2 images in one to me. The cover for ‘Forbidden’, book # 2, looks like Riley is wearing the symbol on her back. I personally see Angel wings but also looks like a cloak and horns.

Jana: What the symbol means seems to depend on the person viewing it. I’ve heard folks say that it’s a demon with a cloak and horns (just as you did) or that it’s an angel (with cloak and halo). The “Riley wearing the wings” is rather cool, isn’t it? I’ll leave to your imagination as to exactly what that might mean (evil grin).

Michelle: I loved the Forsaken cover, book 1 (UK) with Elizabeth May as Riley. Gorgeous!! Is that Riley on the Forbidden cover, as it looks like a different model?

Jana: That is a different model. She pretty much captures where Riley is in Forbidden because it’s really difficult time for her.

Michelle: When will the 2nd cover for book 2 the US edition , titled ‘Soul Thief’ be released? I can’t wait to see it.

Jana: Very soon! I’ve seen it and it’s really cool. It uses about the same color blue as on the UK cover but has totally different feel. We get to see Riley's face this time!

( oooo Look at what I just found..oh happy joy..isn't it gorgeous!!! err .....sorry for the interview interuption, couldn't help myself)

Michelle: Where were you , and what were you doing when you first had the idea for Demon Trappers?

Jana: I was wandering around Oakland Cemetery, checking out that location. I walked into the Richards Mausoleum (it is the basis for the Blackthorne Mausoleum) and the story started spinning out in my head. I LOVE it when that happens.

Michelle :Are you able to give the readers, a short teaser quote from Forbidden?

Jana: Here’s a very brief Riley/Beck section from Forbidden. I chose carefully so as not to give anything away. The scene is set at the Six Feet Under (where the trappers hold their wakes).

Beck had been planning his move from the moment the funerals had ended. As Riley pulled into the pub’s parking lot, he hopped out of the car, hoping to avoid a confrontation. “Thanks, girl. Call when ya get to the church so I know yer safe.”

There was no way he could ignore the expression on Riley’s face. He knew it well enough; it promised defiance, so it wasn’t any surprise when she turned off the car, undid the seat belt, and climbed out. Beck watched her walk across the street toward the pub, her hair swinging back and forth, boots clicking on the pavement.

Ya shouldn’t be here. It wasn’t dangerous or anything, but it was a guy thing.

“We’re gonna get drunk, we’re gonna swear and tell a lot of war stories,” he called out. “That’s about it.”

Riley paused at the entrance to the Six Feet Under Pub and Fish House. “I know. Dad told me about these things.”

“It’s no place for a . . . girl.”

“But it is for a trapper,” she said, and left him standing there like a moron.

“Why do ya fight me on everythin’?” he snarled. He had no choice but to let her have her way. Dragging her out of there by the hair would just make both of them look stupid. © 2011 Jana Oliver

And this quote is actually from FORGIVEN (Book #3) so you get an early glimpse at that!

Beck closed his eyes to keep the dirt out of them and forced himself to relax. If he fought back, the demon hunter behind him might feel the need to put a bullet in his skull. I’ll be damned if I die like this. © 2011 Jana Oliver

Michelle: If you were a Demon Trapper would you be a Grade 1 or a Grade 3-5 kind of Trapper?

Jana: I’m probably a journeyman at this point, so I could trap up to a Grade Five (Geo-Fiend). No way would I go anywhere near an Archfiend. They are just totally evil.

Michelle: I noticed you have another series of books , ‘Time Rovers’ , a trilogy . Sojourn book # 1 , Virtual Evil book #2 and Madman’s Dance book # 3. The Demon Trappers series is written in the future, 2018 and Time Rovers series is written in the past, 1888 and the future 2057. Do you feel more comfortable writing in past and future? Do you think it gives you more freedom to explore your creativity?

Jana: I like to mess about with “what if?” sorts of questions and alternate time periods allow me more freedom to do just that. When I was writing a scene in 1888, I tried to keep it as accurate to the period as possible, but still I got to play with history and that’s great fun.

Michelle: I’m a HUGE fan of Denver Beck aka Beck aka Backwoods Boy. You have written him beautifully. Should Beck be worried about mysterious Ori popping up in Riley’s life?

Jana: Oh yeah, he should definitely be worried about dear mysterious Ori. Ori has his own agenda when it comes to Atlanta, Riley and the trappers.

Michelle: Could you please tell us Beck’s favourite 5 things?

Jana: Carrie Underwood and her music

          His truck

          South Georgia and Okefenokee Swamp

          Shiner Bock beer

          Momma Z’s barbecue

Michelle: What is your favourite thinking food?

Jana: Chocolate. The really good stuff, so that way I don’t eat too much of it.

Michelle: If you get stuck on a scene, what do you do to get the creative juices flowing again?

Jana: I listen to music, I tidy up the house, I do something that isn’t writing because then my brain will work through whatever is holding me back. It’s rather spooky how an author’s mind does that, actually.

Michelle: Will ‘Forbidden’ be in both Riley and Beck’s POV’s? I really enjoyed being in Becks head as well as Riley’s in ‘Forsaken’. Will we get to be in Simon’s head ?

Jana: We don’t get to see inside Simon’s head (alas) but we will be seeing the action from Riley, Beck and Ori’s point-of-view.

Michelle: Have you ever written yourself into a character in any of your books? If yes, which one?

Jana: No. I’m nowhere as exciting or emotionally screwed up as my characters. There are little parts of me in my characters, but for the most part they’re their own invention. They tell me who and what they are and I just write their stories.

Michelle: I have read that you are putting a proposal together for books 4-6 ( yippee) but are currently contracted to only 3 books in The Demon Trappers series. Marissa and I wish you all the best with that as I personally have my fingers crossed that it will get the green light , having read Forsaken and read the chapter extract for Forbidden ( at end of Forsaken) , it feels like the story is only just beginning to be told. ( that’s my enthusiastic comment for wanting more!!)

Jana: Here’s hoping I get the chance to tell more of their stories. That would be wonderful. I don't have any news to share on additional books yet, but I hope to have something to announce later this year.

Michelle: Thank you Jana, for taking the time out of your uber busy schedule to answer my questions, much appreciated. I REALLY enjoyed ‘Forsaken’ and look forward to ‘Forbidden’, and of course reading more about Beck , Riley, Simon and that mysterious Ori.

Congratulations on a wonderful start to your series and we at Novels On The Run, wish you all the best with it.

Soul Thief is being released in US August 30th 2011

*** Good News Here - Forbidden is being released in UK and Australia 5 August 2011

Jana: Thanks for having me,  bye!! I really enjoyed this.

Michelle: It was my most awesome pleasure:D


Please note : There will be some great Forsaken giveaways going up tomorrow, signed by Jana , be sure to enter. Pleae also check out review on left side bar, click on Forsaken The Demon Trappers. Also Retro Demonology novella #.5


  1. Thanks for the great interview!!! It was way fun!

  2. Hi Jana,

    I am rather proud of it. I'm glad you had a goodtime with my questions.

    Thanks again!!


  3. Awesome interview! I will be sure to check into these books!

  4. Thankyou Angela. Jana is lovely and she gave such great answers.




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