Sunday, March 27, 2011


US cover UK cover

By: Amy Plum
Published By : ATOM, HARPER TEEN
Released : MAY 10TH 2011
Details : NETGALLEY ARC EBOOK , 259 Pages

RATING : 6 !! GORGEOUS VINCENT, JULES & AMBROSE STARS OUT OF 5!!!  ( oh yeah I went there)

Book Blurb : Taken From Goodreads

DIE FOR ME is the first of three books about Kate, a sixteen-year-old American who moves to Paris after the death of her parents. It introduces a new version of the undead with revenants, beings who are fated to sacrifice themselves over and over again to save others’ lives. Kate finds herself falling for Vincent, who she discovers is not the typical French teenager he appears: he is something else entirely.

DIE FOR ME presents a new supernatural mythology presented in a city where dreams are sometimes the same as reality.
I  devoured and absolutely adored , 'Die For Me' . I was speaking to Amy as I was reading the ARC ebook , with many thanks to Netgalley and HarperTeen . When I 'feel' , passionate about a book I have to have mini rants. This is when I discovered that the original cover for US release was being swapped for above cover on left. The boat cover is no longer . It did make me a tad sad ,but I will not go into it in this review as I said my piece to Amy , respectfully of course. All the book covers are of course beautiful!!!
Here is original cover I just had to give it one last hoorah!!  Moving along.....
I read this book in one sitting and finished this morning at 2.48am!!. I just could not stop reading it. I playfully give it 6 stars as I am still uber excited about it.
'Die For Me' has a gorgeous recipe, the ingredients will keep you hungry for more:
2 Cups of originality.
1 Cup of well fleshed out characters. You get great 3 dimensional characters.

1 Cup of beautiful boys, Vincent, Ambrose and Jules. Oh cheeky , flirtatious Jules.
1 Cup of great female lead, Kate. So sensible but brave.

1 Cup of danger and excitement.
1 Cup of romance.....sigh!
4 Tablespoons of humour.
3 Tablespoons of gorgeous scenery,  Paris, gorgeously written.

3 Tablespoons of blushing.
1 Tablespoon of teen angst, Kate and Georgia ( sister) .
4 Teaspoons of  'ewwwwwww' scenes. ( a tad messy)
I can't wait for book 2 in this 3 book series.  What I liked was that Amy wasn't afraid to have Kate be an intelligent , 16 yr old that really looked at the big picture before she gave her heart away. Georgia her sister was more into having a good time and worry about the consequences later and there are consequences. Vincent and Kate's characters really fit well. 
Amy really gives depth to all aspects of her storyline. I feel such brotherly love from Ambrose,  and Jules,  well,  he is my cheeky boy who could easily be a love interest of Kate's. Vincent is her boy but he has to earn his stripes as it is a very complicated life he errr... lives.
Charlotte is a wonderful character. I think Charlotte needs some girlfriend time, amongst all the boy time. Not that I would be complaining..nudge..nudge. 
I loved how Amy showed us around Paris in her storytelling. Her words painted a beautiful picture in my mind. I loved how art and museums were woven into the storyline.
This is a wonderfully paced read, something always happening around the corner. I appreciated Amy explaining to the reader , through her characters , the whole complicated and possibly overwhelming story of the Revenants,  in chapters. Nicely paced as it is very detailed and you could feel,  if you were Kate,  how overwhelming it would be , to be given all the information in one conversation. Amy used her characters playful nature to help the reader take in what it was to be a Revenant and the history . Where there is good , there must be the balance of evil. It is the way.
Such a wonderful YA book that I could read again and again, just to feel like I was walking around Paris, reading a book in a cafe, the Seine river and its many bridges and those stolen kisses  ......and those beautiful boys. I have a fictional crush on them!!!

I could very easily see Charlotte, Ambrose and Jules getting their own spin off series. Amy's depth she gives for each of the characters leaves you wanting to know more about their lives individually. I do hope Ambrose wakes up to himself with a certain someone. They would be a great couple.
I just want to talk about my fave scenes,  as there were many,  but it would make for spoilers and I want the reader to enjoy it unspoilt like I did and discover this awesome , original read, you will be pleasantly surprised at the originality:D

I wish Amy all the success with this book as she deserves it:)

Some FAQ's are at this link, I found it very interesting:)

"Well, spit on my empty grave- if it ain't attack of the Disney princesses ! " he snarled, annoyed....


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