GUNS:The Spencer BOOK
(Rook and Ronin Spinoff)
(Rook and Ronin Spinoff)
By JA Huss
Published March 31, 2014
Contemporary Romance, New Adult-ish, Suspense
Published by: Science Future Press
Released : Available 31st March 2014
Details: ARC, for honest review, Kindle
Blurb : Goodreads
Spencer Shrike is a man with a plan. Get in. Get out. Move on. He loves Ron the Bomb, and her safety is the only thing on his mind these days. But life is a tricky bastard, and conning criminals for the better part of ten years brings its own set of problems. Sure, Rook lied her way out of a sticky situation, covering for crimes Ronin, Ford, and Spencer committed, and getting them all off scot-free in the process.
But not everyone is buying Rook’s story, and Spencer is desperate to figure out who’s in town setting them up for a fall.
Veronica the Bombshell Vaughn has put up with Spencer Shrike’s shit for years and where has it gotten her? A big fat nowhere. No ring, no house, no kids, and no promises. In fact, Spencer is worse than ever—completely distant and moody. She’s done sitting at home, pining over a man she can’t have.
But she’s not opposed to fighting for him.
Ron the Bomb fights hard and she fights dirty, so she’s willing to do whatever it takes to get Spencer’s attention.
But now there’s another man in town with his eye on her. He’s got secrets too, but unlike Spencer, Bobby Mansi is more than willing to let Veronica in on them.
The entire Rook and Ronin series comes full circle. Every con, every lie, and every skeleton in the closet is back for one final shot at vengeance and the only way to set it right… is to get out the guns.
BOOK REVIEW by Michelle:
As J.A. states on her blurb, this is not stand-alone. You should read ALL the other books and novellas, to get to this point. You can’t jump to Guns. Well, you can if you want to, but you will miss all the plot that has been laid out, prior.
Everything that has happened in the Rook and Ronin trilogy and then the spinoff books has led up to Guns.

Spencer’s book.
Spencer the killer. And the Bombshell.
His girl.
Everything you thought you knew about Spencer, is about to change.
But Spencer is a sneaky fucking prick. A lovable, adorable, sneaky fucking prick.
Everything you thought you knew about Veronica, the Bomb, is about to change.
And that’s sorta cute. Out of all of us, Veronica Vaughn -- tattoo artist, deadly shot with a .45 at forty yards, and loud-mouth e-cig smoker with big hair and bigger tits -- is the only one of us who’s squeaky clean.
I really loved Spencer in this book. He was right all along with how he played his cards. His inner monologue is so deliciously, smexi.
He revs my motor.
I shudder.
And this is when I realize. I’m caught in his fantasy.
Spencer walked into my life, tipped me upside down, and shook the love right out of me.
My love spills all over the place.
My love piles up at his feet.
Spencer and Bomb...
“You will never forget this day, Veronica Vaughn. For the rest of your life, whenever someone asks you what the best day of your life was, this will be in your top three.”
“What about the other two?” I ask.
“We haven’t made those memories yet, Bomb. But we will.”
A tear slips out and rolls down my cheek. His finger automatically swipes it away and then he presses his mouth into my ear and says, "Shhhh. Don’t cry, Ronnie. Just tell me what we like, so I can remember. Because I’ve lost my way, baby. I’m worried about so many things right now, I’m afraid I might’ve forgotten why I’m doing all this. Why I’m hurting you so badly. Why this Bobby guy gets to take you out when I can’t. So tell me, remind me why I’m doing this, Ronnie. Tell me what we like.”
This was a very, very cleverly written book. J.A. Huss has captured all those seeds she left in the other books and woven them into an action packed, emotion filled, exciting, moments-of-humor-where-you-snort-out-loud, read.
Not to mention. Sizzling smexi.
* hisssss *
I could see this book out of all the books as a movie, up on the big screen. I can see them all, but this one just played out so well in my mind. The characters are all so individual and colourful.
Who is really conning who?
It was such a cool read.
It was an energetic read.
The twist that I didn’t see coming.
So clever!
Ronin, the Liar. Ford, the Hacker. Spencer, the Killer.
It shouts of being on the big screen.
Everybody has a part to play.
But fuck it. We’re in. We’re in deep. And we’ve only got two choices...sink or swim.
Rook looks at Ronin. Ronin looks at me. I look at Ford.
We start swimming.
They have to.
There is a lot at stake.
And if there’s one lesson the three of us have learned, the more you have the more you have to lose.
It’s scary as fuck. And isn’t it better to have nothing? Isn’t it better to have nothing to lose than to have everything and know it’s all gonna disappear?
I think it is.
The lads know what they have done in the past. The laws they have broken. They now have women and Kate in their lives, which complicates things.
A lot!
I really do love Carson. He is the accidental sidekick.
But, is he good enough to be on the team?
“Anyway.” I shake my head. “Carson, you will go home tonight and watch Fight Club, got it?
J.A. gives us a surprise with NEW GUY!
People have this thing about bikers with tattoos. Like they’re better than us. Most of the time I let it slide. I know what I am. I know what I’m capable of. I know my true value. But for some reason, I hate this guy on sight.
OO yeah, I am intrigued.
“You’ll get the answers I choose to give. But I assure you, everything I tell you will be the truth. I do not lie. I don’t believe in lies. If I can’t tell you the truth you want to hear, then I believe in silence.”
What I love is J.A. keeps dropping new characters into her reads that I want to know more about. Spend a day with them. Read a book.
Anything really. I am so hook line and sinker on her characters.
I want on their Team.
Nothing they do is by the book.
What an escapism.
Such a badass and smexi escapism for me.
I laugh, I cry, I snort when I am reading this series and its spinoffs.
The ending to this book had me snorting and kinda crying at the most awesome way J.A. finished it.
I could so buy a ticket to that book!
You have no idea!!
Hell. Yeah!
Very apt!
I gotta say this is a F*&%^&ing A.M.A.Z.I.N.G series of books. I will be truly sad when I have no more to read.
I’m just hoping that the dead guy at the end of our story isn’t one of us. Because if one of us dies, this will never end.
We might not make it that long.
This dream of mine might be over before it even starts.
Paybacks aren’t a bitch, man. Revenge, now that’s a motherfucking bitch.”
Bring on the next book, cause there is no way J.A. is leaving me hanging without more to read in this series.
Especially with Merc, new guy and La Femme Nikita...the list will no doubt go on.
Because...I did notice some more seeds dropped.
* CoughMerccough *
I freakin' can't recommend this series of books enough. They simply take me on such a wild escape that you kinda want to be a part of, in real life. Each book grows more and more in story and intrigue and excitement.
I think the best thing J.A. did was writing Spencer and Ford. They have this way of stealing the limelight from each other, back and forth in the last few books.
I love Ronin, but Ford and Spencer...WOW!
JA Huss is the author of the Amazon bestselling Rook and Ronin series, the epic science fiction I Am Just Junco series, and hundreds of kid-friendly science books in subjects such as biology, physics, anatomy and physiology, astronomy, and forensics. She has an undergraduate degree in equine science and a master’s degree in forensic toxicology. She has never taken a creative writing class and she hopes she never will.
Tour wide giveaway
(Open INTL)
$25 GC Signed GUNS Swag Pack
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Purchase From:
Barens & Nobel
FORD NOVELLA: SLACK: A Day in the Life of Ford Aston
FORD NOVEL: TAUT: The Ford book
BOMB NOVELLA: A Day in the Life of Spencer Shrike
The Rook and Ronin Series has seven books:
(4) SLACK: A Day in the Life of Ford Aston
(5) TAUT: The Ford Book
(6) BOMB: A Day in the Life of Spencer Shrike
(7) GUNS: The Spencer Book
The Rook and Ronin Series has seven books:
(4) SLACK: A Day in the Life of Ford Aston
(5) TAUT: The Ford Book
(6) BOMB: A Day in the Life of Spencer Shrike
(7) GUNS: The Spencer Book
Woot! I don't know what you're going to do when this series is over dude. You might need therapy! :D
ReplyDeleteThis dude, will have to reread the series :D I do have such fun reading it :D
DeleteThank you so much! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm entering this giveaway. Well as I said in my review , Spencer and Ford steal the limelight from each other all the time, so it is back and forth with me. Love them equally :D
ReplyDeleteI'm yet to read anything by JA Huss despite having her books sitting on my TBR pile. I really need to do something about that!! Awesome review!!
ReplyDeleteOO yes!! Each book gets better and better. Do yourself a favour :D
DeleteWow, what an enthusiastic review! I just had to buy the opening books. They sound awesome. Thanks for the recommendation.