Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Today on Novels On The Run I have a Q & A with Australian author Jessica Shirvington.

This is my stop on the Sourcebooks US blog tour. My review will be up in next couple days.

I read Endless via netgalley straight after reading Emblaze back in August. So these Q & A's were written back in August. NERD ALERT, I was making sure I was organized for my stop.

If you haven't started The Violet Eden Chapters, I totally recommend this YA series. For me, the books get better and better. Endless was brilliant! I have my crush on Spence I could handle sharing an  icecream and a laugh. I just love the lad. I love Phoenix and Lincoln too * waggles eyebrows *

Jessica has also graciously given us a little teaser from a new book she has coming out sometime, so read on. I got lucky!

Without further ado, here is my Q & A with the lovely Jessica.


I got to say the US covers are STUNNING!


Michelle:  What five words describe Jessica Shirvington the AUTHOR?

Jessica: Passionate. Excitable. Dreamer. Meticulous. Researcher.

Michelle:  If you were given the task of walking up to somebody random in the street and you were to explain your book series to them in a short speech what would you tell them?

Jessica: It is a story about human warriors on earth who have the powers of angels. It is about a girl named Violet who struggles to accept the role she plays in this world she is now a part of and is forced to learn that for every choice she makes the consequences are often severe. It is a story about love. About sacrifice. About friendship and about fighting for everything that makes us human.

Michelle:  The Violet Eden Chapters are getting awesome reviews around the world. The fifth and final book Empower is releasing in November 2013 in Australia and May 2014 in the U.S. I have currently read Embrace and Entice and you really got me in with Phoenix, Lincoln, Violet and all the sub characters. They are all wonderful to read.  

Jessica: Thank you so much!

Michelle:  Who has been your hardest character to write in the series and why?

Jessica:  Lincoln. Because it is his restraint that makes his character so special and unique. Restraint is a difficult thing to show on a page without seeming contrite or forced. For me, it has been a gradual development of his character. The reader sees what he is on the surface initially, then as the books evolve we see so many more layers that he tries to hide. For other characters, like Phoenix and Spence, it was a lot easier even though their characters can be very complicated at times.

Michelle:  I have only read Spence’s character in one book and I already want a Spence spinoff. It has a nice ring to it. I watched a great interview you did over at the Writer Bar http://www.writingbar.com/2013/06/interviews-with-writers/interview-with-jessica-shirvington/ , and you mentioned Spence. I know Nerd Alert, I do my research , what can I say.

Australian cover
How much fun did you have writing his character, he is a rule breaker? I am cracking open Emblaze tonight and Spence is one of the reasons. I love him!

Jessica:  That is so great that you love Spence. He is a fav of mine too! I love him because he isn’t a complication for Violet. He doesn’t add a new problem for her, just a great friendship. He is a pillar of strength and at a time when it feels as if the world is resting on her shoulders Spence gives her permission to be a teenager. He encourages her to take chances and in turn that helps her begin to enjoy who she had become, this warrior that she now it. His addition to the cast in ENTICE was vital and his character is one of the most important. He is like a brother to her. As for writing Spence…all I can say is it was almost too much fun! He wrote himself really. There was no work involved.

Michelle:  You mention a duology series you are writing in the Writer Bar interview. Can you tell us anything at all about it. Maybe a quote with no names attached to it to wet our whistles...or not, lol! I got to ask as I am a fan of your writing and you have many fans around the world.

Jessica: Hmm….This is a tricky question. But ok! The working title for the first part in the duology is: DISRUPTION. And her is a tiny snippet (please note: this is an unedited except):

I glanced down at my sleek M-Band missing the days when a simple wristwatch sat in its place. When life wasn’t dictated by whatever data it spewed out. But those days are gone. It had only taken nine years for the world to change completely. And forever. You’d have thought we were better than that. You’d have thought we’d fight harder and stronger. But it turns out being able to rate ourselves against one another, being able to scientifically map the way our pheromones interacted with each individual we crossed paths with, was more important than any of the other values we’d once held so dear. Like honor. Like time. Like family. 

Like… falling in love.

Michelle:  Speaking of fans around the world, is there anything you can tell us about the TV project that was talked about last year in the media, regarding The Violet Eden Chapters?

Jessica: No updates at the moment! Sorry!

Michelle: Is there anything you have learnt from readers reviews of this series? Endless # 4 is releasing in USA 01 October 2013.

Jessica: Yes. Absolutely. I love reading reviews and it feels very humbling to see readers take the time to write them. I love reading reactions to scenes or characters. I love that the emotion that I feel when I am writing is able to transfer itself to the reading experience of people all around the world. It is amazing.

Michelle:  If you could invite four people/character’s to dinner , they can be fictional, real, alive or dead who would they be and why?


1. God. Because I have some serious questions!

2. Alexander the Great. Because I just have to understand how someone so young could do so many incredibly and also brutal things.

3. Cleopatra. A powerful woman in the time of powerful men. I would love to meet her.

4. C.S Lewis. Because he is pretty much my favorite author.

5. My grandmother. So I could give her one more hug.

Michelle: Thank you Jessica for answering my Q’s . Best wishes with your writing.

Jessica:  Thanks Michelle!!




It has been two years since Violet Eden walked away from the city, her friends, her future and - most importantly - her soulmate, Lincoln. Part angel, part human, Violet is determined to stand by the promises she made to save the one she loves.

Living in the perpetual coldness of a broken soul she survives day to day as a Rogue Grigori in London.

But when an unexpected visitor shows up at her door, the news he bears about someone she swore to protect leaves Violet with no choice.

Even worse, she fears that this might all lead back to the night she tries hardest to forget. And what was taken without her permission.

Violet is going back to New York ... and she knows exactly who is going to be there.

With Phoenix in her dreams and Lincoln in her heart she knows it is only a matter of time before the final choice must be made.

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